Monday, April 19, 2010

How to turn the challenge into opportunity

While we are facing all the challenges of life, we often resist the challenge without realizing the truth of life: life without challenges doesn't exist -- it is even true for Saints and Awakened ones. The difference is that realized ones have cultivated deep inner resource to turn challenges into power and wisdom. In its true sense, challenge is an opportunity for expanding ourselves.

As we resist any challenge, we cause unnecessary contraction of energy -- it is frozen like water frozen into ice. As we resist pain, it causes suffering on the top of pain. As we resist fear, we become stuck while energy freezes in the kidney system.  As we accept challenges as a part of life and learning, we let go of the past pattern of resistance and contraction that cause the stagnation of life energy in the body.

Qigong allows us to go deep into the energy, which is the life force, underlining the challenging experience and feelings --- use the movement to free the stagnated energy in the pain, use the sound to free the energy suppressed in the challenging emotions like fear, and use the visualization to free the energy programmed in the old story of dis-eases.

When the energy is stuck, lacking of aliveness, flow, purpose and harmony, we experience dis-eases and un-fulfillment. When the energy is fully experienced and moving to the next expression, we experience well-being and fulfillment.

- Master Mingtong Gu

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