Saturday, August 21, 2010

Teaching in prison

Wisdom Healing Qigong activates our Ultimate Goodness. Through the practices, through the teachings, through the community and most importantly through the Chi field our Divine Purpose gets activated, energized and realized.

When I teach Qigong in our prisons, we are activating the energy of all creation, the Hun Yuan Chi, the oneness within all beings, in all of society. This energy of the Goodness of Life leaves no one rejected, isolated or abandoned. Together we are releasing the blockages and encouraging a very deep flow of the energy of freedom within the men’s physical cells and within their life confined to cells. We are cultivating a flow of integrated energy inside the walls where our society has abandoned and discarded those who have been broken and have broken the rules. Together we manifest and express our integral part of the whole fabric of society; a truth we must recognize to put an end to the cycles of crime and punishment.

If a person is willing, it doesn’t take much to activate this energy flow. If a person is willing to practice with dedication, old patterns of behavior and emotional trauma as well as addiction and other illness patterns are replaced with healthy new patterns harmonized with the divine potential within us all. This ancient science of healing and wholeness has been around for thousands of years, its time to apply it to the people living with daily trauma and repression, victims and perpetrators alike.

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